No one likes loneliness, but many people do not always have enough patience even in communication with loved ones. How to develop patience? What helps a person to become patient, but not to let himself be used?
By the way, there are many interesting people on with whom you can make friends and practice your communication skills. This will allow you to learn patience in practice.
When your patience is wearing thin
Many factors contribute to impatience, including innate character traits, personal problems, fatigue, and more. Cholerics are less patient than phlegmatics, sanguines and melancholics. But not only temperament affects patience. There is a circumstance when even calm people can flare up. Most often this contributes to the following situations:
- Fatigue;
- There’s a lot of unresolved problems;
- Conflict;
- Sickness or the sensation of pain;
- Prolonged stressful situation and more.
When troubles become too much, the degree of patience decreases in everyone. This is especially noticeable in those who have to work a lot with people. Stress leads to breakdowns, when patience breaks down. In such situations, it is better for a while to refuse to communicate, so as not to say too much. Having calmed down or solved a burning issue, it will be easier to communicate.
It is important to develop patience in communication, but where do you find the line where it is abused? Often impatient people get angry where they should not, fearing that they will be treated badly. In this case, it is important to clearly understand where you should be patient and where you should let them know right away that you don’t like it.
The limits of patience
In communication, many people express impatience, irascibility, and selfishness. There are also those who like to “test the boundaries” to spoil the mood of someone else. To understand where you need to be patient, and where it is better to make it clear at once that you do not like, it is important to answer the following questions:
- Why is he interested in this particular one?
- What does he want to find out and why?
- What reaction am I being provoked to have?
- Why am I annoyed by this question?
If you are being deliberately provoked or boundary tested, it is best not to give any answers or to answer the question with a question. For example:
- Why would you want to do that?
- What do you think about that?
- I do not intend to answer that question.
- Why don’t we change the subject?
Usually such phrases are enough to put in place the violator of personal boundaries. In other cases, it is better to be patient in communication, because people have different peculiarities. Here are some techniques that will help to be patient in communication with any person.
Rule 1: Choose your moment of communication
Postpone negotiations if you feel unwell or have a lot of problems. In such a situation, everyone becomes vulnerable and testy, especially if the person you are talking to is annoying. Make it a rule to start communicating in a calm state, with a friendly attitude. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations in communication.
Rule 2: mindfulness
Not everyone is able to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. Many people are shy, afraid to speak, so they are misunderstood. Try to get to know your interlocutor and give him or her a chance to speak. If the topic is not clear, you can ask leading questions, for example:
- What are you going to do?
- How do your parents look at it?
- I’m not quite sure what the problem is. Explain what’s bothering you?
- What do you suggest?
You can sympathize with your interlocutor, say that you are also worried about him/her and are ready to support him/her morally. People will be grateful for attentiveness and trust. Therefore, it is important not to interrupt and to listen before answering. This helps to develop the skill of patience.
Rule 3: Set yourself up in advance for the fact that the interlocutor is not perfect
For example, he has difficulty expressing his thoughts. He is slow in answering questions or constantly interrupts, gets distracted, speaks too many words. If you imagine in advance that he can be annoying, the degree of patience will increase. It will be easier for you to accept the peculiarities of other people, not to take offense and easily build communication.
Rule 4: postpone communication if you lose your temper
There is no communication without conflict. It is almost always the case that someone becomes irritated and angry. If you feel that you are losing your temper, try to change the subject or temporarily stop communicating. At the peak of emotion, people are ready to say anything to each other, especially if they are very angry. If you feel that the interlocutor goes out of control, then try not to answer him immediately. Stop communicating if you are angry and do not look into the correspondence. Reply immediately is not worth it. As soon as you calm down, you can continue communicating, but without unpleasant moments.
The best way to develop patience is to realize that everyone has flaws and not everyone has the ability to express their thoughts beautifully and accurately. Then communication will be beneficial, easy and pleasant in any situation.
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