How do you learn to say no and not feel guilty?

How do you learn to say no and not feel guilty?

Sometimes we become so dependent on the person we are talking to that we can fulfill all their requests. At the same time, this can be detrimental to our freedom and well-being.

Communication skills

In order to communicate on equal terms and not to adjust to the interlocutor, it is necessary to learn to refuse various requests.

We communicate in such a way that we often feel guilty when something in the conversation goes beyond what our interlocutor wants. In order to learn to say “no”, we should try to be on an equal footing with a person, not to see him/her as an “idol”, to communicate in a simple and relaxed way.

It is important to develop the skills of communication with others from the very childhood, it is necessary to teach a little person to refuse in some cases to other people, when requests do not meet his expectations and desires. It is important to explain to the child that other people can be wrong, that it is important not to depend on their opinion and to learn to say “no”.

Rejection isn’t always a bad thing

If refusing a person’s request is very hard on your part, try discussing with them the reasons for refusing.

Tell your opponent that it is not easy for you to fulfill his/her task, that you have a lot to lose by complying with his/her request. You should not feel guilty for refusing because it is in your best interest, and you have not violated the rules of communication.

Sometimes refusal and the ability to say “no” saves a person from various problems – he does not get into curious situations, he is not put to blame if there are unfavorable consequences, he is free from making wrong decisions.

Try to avoid the “crowd effect.”

Remember that sometimes you have to refuse to follow everyone else. The “crowd effect” often does not lead to good consequences, you become dependent on the opinion of the majority.

Learn to refuse the majority to participate in an activity if it goes against your personal attitudes.

If you say no to something, don’t follow the crowd, have your own point of view, you shouldn’t feel guilty, because it’s absolutely normal. It is a sign of a healthy and free personality.

Man by nature is free and has the right to direct his actions and deeds. He does not have to obey anyone and fulfill anyone’s instructions. That is why you should not feel guilty if you refuse someone. You have the right to act as you see fit.

Why saying “no” is a good thing

Realize that by refusing to comply with a request and not going “after the crowd” you only generate a sense of respect for yourself. You become a person with your own personal opinion, independent of outsiders. You will be accepted for who you are and respected more because your behavior will arouse interest and curiosity.

Thus, a person who does not obey other people in everything, causes respect, he is considered by interlocutors, his opinion is listened to.

If a person always, and in everything adheres to the opinion of the majority, always does what he is told, goes where he is sent, then such a person is said to be weak-willed and characterless. To have self-esteem, strong character and unwavering will is a sign of a developed and healthy personality.

Three reasons not to feel guilty

Think that your request and your refusal will not affect your relationship with the other person. If the person is thinking and deserves respect, he or she will understand you.

Never feel guilty about rejection because you are an individual and entitled to your opinion and your style of behavior.

Three reasons not to feel guilty saying “no” are as follows:

  1. You are an independent individual and do not have to adjust to anyone.
  2. You are entitled to have your point of view on any issue and are not obligated to please anyone.
  3. You don’t have to please everyone and always, as you are a force to be reckoned with.

Psychologists say that in an open and relaxed conversation, people behave as equals and have the right to their own point of view and opinion. Coercion by another person to any action is unlawful.

Thus, never feel guilty if you have to refuse someone’s request. Remember that you do not owe anyone anything, you are a free person, you have the right to your opinion and are responsible for your actions. On you can meet different people and even make friends.

Only a psychologically healthy person who has his own opinion and knows how to say “no” in certain situations will be respected by others. The most important thing is that no one has the right to violate your freedom of choice and opinion. It is not your fault that you think differently from someone else, that you have your own point of view and that you will have a lot of trouble fulfilling someone else’s request.

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