How do you sensitively express disagreement with the other person’s opinion?

How do you sensitively express disagreement with the other person's opinion?

As many people as we meet, the same number of opinions we encounter. There are so many points of view with which a person may disagree. That’s natural. No one is obliged to adjust to another person.

Everyone can say that he or she disagrees with the other person’s opinion, but won’t this lead to conflict? Not if you express your disagreement politely and tactfully. Don’t be afraid to say what you think. Expressing your opinion will help you get to know the other person better and strengthen your relationship with them.

In order for negotiations to benefit both parties rather than harm them, it is imperative to cooperate and be considerate of each other.

What is the correct way to express disagreement?

– Be patient and listen. A person should not interrupt the opponent and listen to his or her point of view before saying that he or she disagrees. Additional questions can be asked to understand what is being said. No one has to guess and guess for the other person. A clear position reduces the likelihood of an argument. When a person knows the other person’s story in its entirety, he or she will be able to understand what the other person needs and wants.

– Accept that there are different views. A person must admit to himself that his opinion differs from that of his interlocutor. Accepting this fact will make it easier to accept other views and will not lead to an argument. No one needs to try to change another person’s mind, it is much easier to accept that there are other points of view and stay on your own.

Even if objective arguments in favor of an opinion have been given, you should not expect your interlocutor to agree immediately. You should give them time to think it over.

Any point of view is not the absolute truth, so you should not present your evidence as a real fact, because the interlocutor may perceive it as an attack on him.

Accepting the existence of different views also means being able to accept defeat if you can’t be proven right.

  • Be polite. During a conversation, no one should interrupt each other, it is necessary to give everyone a chance to speak. Even if a person is already absolutely sure of what his opponent will say, he should be respectful to the other.
  • When stating your disagreement, you should not give a personal assessment of the other person’s words, condemning them: “That’s nonsense!”, “What you’re saying is ridiculous!”. And you should certainly not resort to insults.
  • It is important to calmly state your disagreement to the person and try to competently argue your point of view.
  • Self-message technique. It’s not always possible to stay calm when you hear something you absolutely disagree with. Some things can bring out strong emotions. In such a situation, it is important to state it correctly. This can be done with the help of the “I-message” technique.

To begin with, a person must interpret what they are feeling and what emotions they are experiencing. For example, aggression, indignation, elation, sadness, envy, amazement, etc. Convey these feelings through a formulation that begins with yourself: “I feel sad because…”, “I am upset at the thought of…”, “I am anxious because…”. This technique sets the atmosphere in a friendly and tactful way, as it is a way to express your disagreement without violating the other person’s boundaries.

The essence of the technique is to talk only about how you feel yourself and not to turn the tables on the other person.

  • The situation should not become heated. The discussion should be conducted in a calm atmosphere. If you feel that the tone of the conversation is getting higher and the statements are becoming harsher, stop. Take a short pause and focus on your breathing.

Say that the purpose of expressing your disagreement is to achieve unity between you or reconciliation and that the same is expected of the other person. It is very important to cooperate with each other in the conversation.


All of the above points will help to maintain a friendly atmosphere and interest in negotiations with other people, as well as help to make good friends, which can be found at The benefit of expressing your opinion will be achieved if both participants are interested in continuing the conversation, and they are both willing to try to be considerate of each other.

Not everyone wants to sincerely declare their position. There are people who try to provoke a conflict on purpose, in such a situation it should be remembered that you should express your disagreement tactfully and politely only if none of the interlocutors is in the position of a victim. If discomfort is felt, there is no need to tolerate it. In this case, the person should state what is happening and how he feels. It is necessary to warn that if the situation does not change, the conversation will be over.

If you have the opportunity to speak out, you should definitely do so. There is no point in keeping silent about problems, because this will not solve them, but only aggravate them.

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