How to build a dialog when opinions differ

How to build a dialog when opinions differ

In today’s world, in times of global changes and acute conflicts, people’s views and opinions on the same things often diverge radically. How to establish a dialog between interlocutors to tactfully avoid conflicts and misunderstandings?

Figure out what purpose you need to talk to the person for

If the purpose of your conversation is to change your mind, be sure to take into account that very often the worldview of the interlocutor is based on his moral principles, life experience, environment, the state of affairs in his personal life and at work. Under the beliefs of a person can hide the opinions of people important to him, memories from childhood, bright and pleasant impressions. By questioning a person’s beliefs, the interlocutor can cause a deep inner conflict, leading to a desire to keep their views on life unshakeable. Take into account the fact that no one is ready to admit to himself that for a long time was wrong in his views on specific things, and, naturally, will defend his point of view. If you do decide to change the mind of your interlocutor, it is necessary to choose a moment when the person will be as calm and attuned to the conversation as possible.

If you need help and support, the best way to get it is to talk about your feelings, personal problems and worries. Choose people who know how to listen and choose the right words of support, because not everyone from your environment will be morally ready to come to your aid, the main thing to remember is that not only you can be hard to cope with the difficulties.

If you notice that your loved ones are in psychological decline, show care and support, which is so necessary for them in difficult moments. Remember that explicit denial, categorical and aggression can be a natural human reaction to external stimuli and problems, in such situations you should take the position of a listener rather than a counselor.

Make an assessment of the implications of your conversation

Think about what the dialog can lead you to, how it will affect your future relationship with the person. The result of the conversation can lead you to both improve your relationship and radically change the person’s opinion of you.

Whether the conversation will be of significant benefit, whether it will help the interviewee to cope with a difficult life situation, reduce inner anxiety and find a solution to the problem.

Be sure to deal with your inner feelings

Ask yourself some important questions. How do I feel about this topic? How much and why does this topic hurt me? Is this topic really at the heart of the problem?

If you believe that in this matter your loved one has no right to vote, and he will not be able to change your opinion in any way, then you need to deal with your feelings before starting a dialogue.

Try to go as deep as possible into the essence of the problems your interlocutor is facing

Often people put in the same phrases completely different meaning, clarify in the course of the conversation the essence of his statements, so as not to create conflicts and misunderstandings.

Different arguments can carry completely different meanings for different people, approach their presentation consciously, stick to the “think first, then do” rule.

Follow simple truths that will help you come to success in conversations with people

The most banal and basic truth is conversation. It is not worth guessing, making hasty conclusions based on actions and scraps of phrases. People are contradictory beings who put different meanings into their actions, words and experiences.

  • Get to the heart of the problem, look for common ground. Common interests and values help people find compromise in solving problems faster and easier.
  • During the conversation, never point out to the person that his or her judgments and opinions in this matter are inappropriate or wrong. On the contrary, try to explain as gently as possible what he or she is wrong about, choose the right words.
  • Tell your point of view, often by giving the person a different point of view or a different perspective on what is going on, a conflict situation can be resolved.
  • Treat the interlocutor with respect, do not try to elevate yourself above the person, showing your intellectual superiority, this often leads to the development of a new conflict.
  • Try to give facts, without unnecessary metaphors and various interpretations. Do not be overly emotional, try to reach an agreement.

If you have failed to establish a dialog with a person, try to limit communication with him, in order to exclude the development of further conflicts. You can find people and communicate with them on various topics on

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