How to communicate with introverts and extroverts

How to communicate with introverts and extroverts

People have very different personalities. Some are more open and contactable, others are withdrawn and not ready to communicate.

Who are introverts

In psychology, this is the name given to people who are withdrawn and do not make contact. Introverts do not like to expose their experiences, feelings, they open up only to those close to them. This does not mean that such people are not sociable, just that they do not rely on external evaluations, but on inner feelings.

Introverts are valued for the following qualities:

  • The ability to keep secrets and mysteries;
  • Reasonableness and unhurriedness in evaluations;
  • Ability to hear and absorb information;
  • Tendency to sympathy, empathy;
  • Lack of insincerity and ostentation.

Introverts seem outwardly boring, but in fact it is not so. Such personalities do not like noisy companies and try not to say anything unnecessary about themselves. They will check the information a hundred times before they realize what is what and make their conclusions. Judiciousness and closedness are the main character traits of such people. They reveal their souls only to the closest people, and even then in the mood.


Such people are characterized by a very different character. Extroverts are usually bright personalities, leaders, who are used to being bold, decisive, first to speak and then to think. Extrovert draws information from what he sees and hears. Such people are not characterized by self-exploration, deepening into analysis, long decision-making.

Usually extroverts are immediately sympathetic. They like to be in the center of attention and willingly, actively communicate. They often speak without thinking, which is not to everyone’s liking, but extroverts are really easy to communicate with. They rarely keep their thoughts and feelings quiet, but in some cases may be prone to intrigue.

Extroverts are characterized by the following qualities:

  • Openness;
  • Sincerity, the ability to say whatever you want to say;
  • Shamelessness, in some cases even insolence;
  • Lack of complexes and prejudices;
  • Benevolence;
  • Love to socialize.

Extroverts are easy to communicate with. They like to chat and do some work together with someone. Such people like to lead an active lifestyle, talk about their impressions and get new ones. The only drawback of such people is talkativeness. Alas, they are rarely able to keep their mouths shut.

How to communicate with introverts

Such people rarely make contact first, preferring to keep silent. Even on their Internet pages, they rarely post new pictures. Most often they do not exhibit themselves, but the species they have photographed, their relatives and many others. Introverts carefully check out the person they are talking to and, once they are sure that they are safe and can be trusted, start a conversation.

You can be friends with an introvert if:

  • You’ll be the first to tell us about yourself;
  • The topic of conversation will interest him;
  • You’ll be safe for him;
  • You won’t pretend to reciprocate candor and a quick response.

Usually an introvert needs to get used to a new person, to understand him, to determine the degree of distance with him. If such a person is convinced that you do not demand an immediate response from him, do not impose, he will reciprocate.

Introverts don’t open up right away, but when they do, they really have a lot to talk about. They will tell you a lot of interesting and useful things. It is important to justify their trust and not to abuse it.

How to communicate with an extrovert

This personality type is very easy to contact. Usually such people leave detailed information about themselves online. Their pages are always full of pictures, travel photos, notes and much more.

To start communicating with an extrovert, it’s important to find a topic he’s good at. For example, if he posts pictures of mountains, ask him to tell you about his travel destination or start a conversation on another topic. The main thing is to make it interesting to the extrovert, then he will really talk and open up quickly.

But when communicating with such a person, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Extroverts don’t like intrusiveness;
  • They respond quickly to everything, so it’s important not to appear boring;
  • It is important for such people to show their level of knowledge and to be interested in something;
  • If such a person is in a bad mood, it is better to stop talking.

The most important thing in communication is training and the ability to hear the interlocutor. Only then communication will be easy, pleasant and useful for everyone. On you can communicate with different people, both introverts and extroverts, find friends and like-minded people.

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