How to develop confidence and start conversations easily

How to develop confidence and start conversations easily

Sociability is an important quality that is not given to everyone by nature. Many people suffer from shyness due to their character and upbringing. How to become more confident and learn to communicate without shyness? Here are some tips.

For those who want to overcome shyness, it is important to know that allows you to socialize with a variety of people and make friends.

Why knowing how to start a conversation helps in different areas of life

Life is dynamic, developing very quickly. In many companies, employers pay attention not to professional, but to communication skills. Shyness can prevent finding a good job and, as a consequence, significantly reduce a person’s income.

If a person does not know how to communicate, to clearly formulate his thoughts, then in this case he will have problems in his personal life, and not only in communication with friends. Moreover, even in his own family it will be difficult for him to defend his interests. The consequences of poorly developed communication skills are the following difficulties:

  • Family misunderstandings and loneliness;
  • Inability to resist pressure to communicate;
  • Problems in my personal life;
  • Frequent job rejections and more.

Those who do not want to make their life boring and gray, it is absolutely necessary to train communication skills and, most importantly, to learn how to start a conversation. Such skills come in handy both at work and in your personal life.

How internal attitudes affect external behavior

First of all, a negative attitude towards oneself is projected by one’s surroundings. If a person too often receives remarks or feels unwanted in his own family, his self-esteem is not enviable. Someone who does not value himself, is afraid of rudeness, rudeness in return, harsh criticism. This leads to shyness, which makes it difficult to open up and start communicating.

Those who love themselves and adequately assess their abilities are open to communication. People feel comfortable to communicate with him and he causes sympathy. Outwardly, such people behave confidently and are not afraid of rude, provocative and unpleasant phrases in communication.

The difference between real confidence and feigned self-confidence

Self-assertive people are perceived negatively by others. They are disliked for their rudeness, attempts to elevate themselves at the expense of the failures of others. Self-confident people never behave like this. They know exactly what they want, are not afraid to express their opinion, but they have no desire to assert themselves at someone else’s expense. Such people are perceived as reasonable, reliable and adequate.

Tips for improving your own self-esteem through positive thinking

To learn to love yourself, it’s important to let go of the opinions of others. Yes, not everyone likes you, but you don’t like everyone either. Here are some tips to help you accept yourself:

  • Take other people’s opinions as just opinions. Everyone has an opinion;
  • If you are not loved, it’s not about you. Maybe the person likes to see the world in a negative way;
  • To each his own. Any person can have both like-minded people and those who do not accept him;
  • Appreciate your choices;
  • Your choices are dictated by your circumstances, needs and abilities, no one has the right to deem them good or bad.

When a person is no longer dependent on other people’s opinions, it will be easier for them to have a positive attitude and enjoy socializing.

How mentally preparing for conversations reduces stress

If a person is set up to be ignored, be rude to him or her, or say hurtful words, he or she will never open up in communication. In order not to be afraid to say the first word, it is important:

  • Set yourself up in advance to be understood and supported;
  • Don’t be afraid to speak your mind, but in a positive way;
  • Don’t be afraid to be the first to start a conversation;
  • Expand the list of topics that your conversation partners and you will enjoy.

Psychologists advise reducing stress with a glass of water. Drink it slowly, calmly. This technique helps to quickly calm down and start communicating, including online.

How sincere compliments can be a jumping-off point for socializing

Kind words are something everyone wants to hear. Sometimes they can soften even a hard heart. A sincere compliment helps a person to open up and start communication.

Examples of questions that encourage the other person to talk

Those who are shy to start a conversation can begin the communication with the following phrases.

  • Hey, do you have a minute to spare?
  • I like your avatar. Tell me, where is this ski resort in the photo?
  • What breed is the kitty in your picture?
  • Tell me where to go for a walk in your town.

You can choose a variety of questions, it all depends on your imagination. The most important thing is not to be afraid of rudeness or silence in response. Even if you don’t get an answer right away, it’s not a big deal. The most important thing is to overcome shyness and start communicating.

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