How to fill the need for communication if you don’t have time for offline meetings

Communicate on online platforms

For a human being, social communication is the most important component of a harmonious life. Proper development of personality is impossible outside the society, where along with verbal communication, there are also non-verbal forms – facial expressions, gesticulation, touching. According to scientists, the peak of people’s need for communication is in the period from 12 to 20 years, when there is a formation of personality, there is a growth of awareness of their thoughts and actions, self-consciousness in society. However, in other age periods the need for communication does not go away completely, although it varies, based on the peculiarities of the psychotype of a particular person. In modern realities, there are ways to fill the need for communication when a person is forced to limit real meetings for one reason or another.

The importance of communication in human life

The crucial role of human contact is related to the development of the psyche, thinking and the speed of brain processes. It has been proven that socializing with developed individuals has a greater likelihood of forming a person with high emotional intelligence and an agile, creative mind. Children who are restricted in contacts with adults and peers are several times more likely to suffer from mental disorders. For elderly people, communication with relatives, neighbors or even strangers allows them to keep their brain processes in tone and not to give reasons for the development of dementia.>

In addition to personal development, communication is necessary for people to receive information from outside about events, facts and requirements for survival in society. Having processed the available information, a person is able to pass it on to other people who need it and depend on it in one way or another – their children, the younger generation, work colleagues and friends.

From the above, the next important consequence of communication between people is the achievement of a goal in some activity.

In addition to the transfer and exchange of information in society, joint activities, communication with other people gives a person the opportunity to find his or her place in a particular social group. People feel psychological comfort, hearing words of support, approval of their actions, realizing their importance for others, based on what they say. Hence there is emotional closeness, sympathy or, on the contrary, dislike of certain contacts and personalities. Well, how else can one find out about one’s attitude to a person without starting a conversation with him/her?

The problem of lack of time for offline meetings

The modern rhythm of life dictates minute-by-minute schedules and high occupation during the day, and not only for people involved in business. This is how people of several generations live – from schoolchildren who are actively engaged in various clubs and sections, to pensioners who continue to be fully or partially engaged in professional activities, to mothers in maternity leave who run their own blog or online business.

Due to the digitalization of economic sectors, the activities of people in many professions have also become much more time-consuming. A striking example is school teachers who have to fill in electronic documentation after teaching classes.

A busy working day with various activities leads to a banal lack of time for offline contacts, meetings and networking, when it is necessary to get to the other side of the city or other locality to socialize. In addition to the lack of time, routine often leaves no energy to get to a friend or the right person. But the need to socialize does not go away, but often, on the contrary, accumulates and increases.

The way out is to communicate on online platforms

Modern online platforms make it possible to communicate at any convenient time, see the interlocutor, transmit intonations and facial expressions. To understand which platform is more convenient to communicate on, you should try the interface of each of them. The most commonly used platforms and social networks at present:

  • Zoom – the platform provides up to 40 minutes of free airtime to existing contacts, who are sent a link with the date and time of the conversation in advance, then a call is made. Recently, video sessions via Zoom have been subject to hacking attacks. The program’s interface allows you to show the speaker’s screen, but is generally difficult to master.
  • WhatsApp is a popular messenger that gives you the ability to have a simultaneous dialog with four contacts by phone number.
  • Google Meet – provides secure video calling, login by link, speech recognition technology simultaneously generates subtitles. However, the number of calls is limited.
  • Skype – provides free chat and video calling, you can show your screen, receive and send files.
  • Discord is a messenger popular among students and gamers all over the world, it allows you to chat and simultaneously display the screen. At the same time, the rights of some participants can be restricted, it is possible to send messages to chat participants without knowing their phone number.
  • – a new social network, provides unlimited access for socializing and spending time together. Contacts can be found by interests and goals, a large selection of templates for the first message.

If the first five platforms have some or other restrictions for people to communicate via video, the last one has no restrictions in communication, neither in terms of time nor in terms of the number of simultaneous contacts.

Advantages of the platform

Important advantages of communication platform over other platforms and messengers:

  • the data exchange is secure;
  • user-friendly interface and wide functionality of the program;
  • socializing;
  • the ability to find and maintain contact with a large number of people;
  • the ability to exchange messages at any time convenient for the interlocutors;
  • Maintaining emotional connections and relationships.

Connection to the platform is free of charge. To become a part of it, you should set up your profile, specify your interests and communication goals. You can also create and send a welcome message to selected people through the “sms” or “letters” section.


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