How to keep a positive attitude in communication

Как сохранять позитивный настрой в общении

Positive attitude is an important and complex component of human communication. It is no secret that it is much more pleasant to communicate with a friendly and cheerful person than with a frowning and closed one. Meanwhile, sometimes it can be very difficult during the day, communicating with a variety of people, in often unpredictable situations, to keep positive. What can be done to do this?

Think happy thoughts

Even if you find yourself in a clearly negative situation in communication, you can always mentally distract yourself from the unpleasant words of your interlocutor. When listening to a stream of scolding and complaints, disconnect from them, imagine yourself in a situation in which you would like to be. Your positive emotions will definitely be transmitted to the person you are talking to.

Let go of negativity

After unsuccessful communication, it is important not to dwell on the experience. The best phrase to use in such situations is: “It’s a shame, it’s a shame, it’s okay! After saying it, you can run your palms over your face and shake your hands as if throwing off negative energy. Another good way is to write down your worries on a piece of paper and burn it. And the best way to let go of negativity is to do something and fully immerse yourself in it.

Take criticism correctly

Undoubtedly, criticism is the thing that triggers negative emotions the most. It is difficult to communicate openly and in a friendly way with a person who speaks unfavorably about you. But it’s worth considering, what is the purpose of criticism? Is it aimed at offending and humiliating you? Maybe you want to be directed to a more appropriate path, to encourage you to improve? Instead of irritation and resentment, ask your interlocutor for advice on how to fix what you don’t like, how to do better. The tone of your dialog will immediately change.

Help a “whiner.”

Often you can get and such a situation: you communicate with a person who is constantly whining and complaining, dissatisfied with everything and everyone. Of course, there is no positive mood to communicate with him. What to do? Naturally, he is waiting for sympathy, understanding, empathy. This does not mean that you should pretend to sigh, nod sympathetically and try to quickly end the conversation (this is not always possible).  Show him the situation from a different point of view, because everything has a positive side. Small salary, but everything you need can be bought. The boss scolds-maybe he is jealous? Wife nagging-yes, she just wants your attention, because she loves you. And here you have a completely different person with whom you can communicate in a positive and productive way.

In response to complaints, you can either ask for advice or offer to do something interesting together, help, or do some work. No matter how difficult it may be to maintain a friendly tone, remember the result: it will follow quickly.

Smile more often

Communicating with a “whiner” is certainly unpleasant. But no one is immune from problems and troubles. Once in a difficult situation, anyone can start pouring negativity on others, including you. Catching yourself at it, you feel extremely unpleasant sensations, negative experiences intensify. Here, in addition to the techniques already outlined in paragraph 1, there are other ways. Smile – one of them try to smile more often, just for fun. This will not only attract to you pleasant interlocutors who are in a positive mood, but will also cause you to feel joy, remind you of funny and fun, distract you from problems. Remember the famous children’s song: “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter”, “A smile makes everyone warmer”. The body perceives a smile as a signal that all is well, a sign of peace and tranquility. And a cheerful and calm person has no unsolvable serious problems.

Look for more friends

These are not empty words. The more friends a person has, the more positive emotions he can get and the more serious the positive charge from them. It is not necessary to confide deep secrets and vital secrets to all of them. Just spending time with someone is an opportunity to keep a good mood in communication. Here not only the real world, but also the virtual world is at the disposal of anyone these days. If there are no like-minded and close-minded people around (it happens) – turn to the Internet. For example, on there are ample opportunities for communication. Here you can communicate with different people, find real friends.

Program the communication in advance

Often, knowing in advance that there will be communication with an unpleasant person, we sigh heavily and prepare to live through difficult minutes, and now the script of communication is created and we strictly follow it. We automatically select phrases, tone, facial expressions, gestures. The result is irritation, negativity, and often tears. If you pre-program yourself for a constructive, positive dialog, then the set of means for it will be selected accordingly. This means that your mood can be transferred even to the most undesirable person, “infect” him with your positivity and communication will go differently. Or, perhaps, he was expecting from you an unpleasant conversation, and you will destroy these expectations, surprise and delight him with your good mood.

Take advantage of these tips. Enjoy your conversations!

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