In the age of modern technology, people are used to communicating online even more than in real life. However, it is much more important not only to find an interesting interlocutor, but also to try to maintain a dialog on different topics in order to keep attention and continue the acquaintance.
But sometimes it happens that the topic of discussion becomes boring and does not interest you at all. How can you keep the conversation going without offending the other person?
What to do not to lose your partner’s interest during communication?
- Communication Limit. Comfortable communication has a certain limit. If it is exceeded, the interlocutor will become bored, and he will look for an excuse to end the conversation or acquaintance in general. Therefore, it is better to leave him slightly “hungry”, and then the next meeting or conversation will be more expected. Each person has his own time limit for communication, so you should either discuss it honestly in advance, or try to find out in the process.
- Roles and Characters. Any one of us plays certain roles to one degree or another. For a long and pleasant contact is an important fact that the roles of both people were similar or coincide. Therefore, competently recognize the image in which the interlocutor is trying to appear before you, and then choose the words in the conversation. For example, if a man positions himself as an alpha male, then the topic of feminism in a dialog with him is unlikely to be relevant. It would be much more correct to give him the opportunity to show his strength, for example, by changing a tire, which you could change yourself.
- Common interests and hobbies. If you have common interests, this is a great reason to spend time together, socialize and enjoy it. In such a situation you will always have something to discuss, so there will be a lot of topics for conversation, which means that it will definitely not be boring. Everyone will be able to share their experience or observations in the topic of interest to both of you, which means that communication will also be useful.
- Bright individuality. So that the interest in communication is not lost in dialog, it is important to constantly work on yourself and develop. Then your life will be bright and diverse, and you will be able to support any conversation, respectively, will not be bored. Thanks to this, it will be possible not to talk about the weather or other stereotypical things, but to discuss something really important, so that the dialog will please both. This way, you can get to know your interlocutor better and build rapport.
- Don’t put on a mask. It is very important to be close to the person. You can easily share photos or videos of where you are or share daily events. You can also record voice messages to each other. This will undoubtedly bring you closer together even more. With these simple steps, you will not only be able to visualize in your mind what the person you are talking to looks like, but also see them, hear their voice and understand what they are interested in.
- Strike a balance. One of the most important rules of communication is the balance between “Giving” and “Taking”. If there is an imbalance, such friendship will not last long, and both parties will be dissatisfied in the end. That is why it is important to hear and listen to each other, to help, support, empathize. Any dialog is not only an exchange of information, but also of energy. And if it is a “one-gate game”, sooner or later the communication will stop, because the interlocutor will get tired of being the receiving party. It would be ideal to agree at the very beginning that all emotions should be mutual.
- Personal boundaries. A trendy saying nowadays is: “Building personal boundaries”. However, in a conversation with a new acquaintance it is extremely important to draw these invisible, but quite clear boundaries, so that later there will be no misunderstandings and conflicts. If a person is interested in continuing communication, he will observe certain arrangements for a comfortable conversation. You can immediately find out what topics in the conversation is better not to touch. Well, the most interesting and amazing people who are able to support any dialog, you can find on com, a pleasant communication you are assured.
What to do if the interlocutor has lost interest during communication?
The reasons why a person may have lost interest in continuing the conversation can be numerous. Perhaps he or she did not like the interlocutor’s pressure or, on the contrary, lack of initiative. It is also quite possible that a person may have had significant events in his life that changed his life or view of existence.
In addition, many people may simply get bored of corresponding online for a long time without moving to the next level – meetings in real life. In any case, before making hasty conclusions, it is better to try to ask directly, what is the reason for the changes in their communication. If no answer follows, then there are several options for the development of events:
- Leave things as they are. If the change is due to life circumstances, the interlocutor should just give time to solve his or her problems. At the same time, you should not take offense or write negative messages. Keep communicating in a friendly and warm way, but only if it is sincere and you feel that way.
- Stop communicating for a while. If the person was important to your communication, then in time he will write to you himself, when there will be strength and time for it. And it is desirable for you to distract yourself from these thoughts, and do your own business, self-development and other interesting activities, without wasting time on waiting.
It is important to remember that both interlocutors should be interested in communication. It is not necessary to impose if you are openly ignored, but if you value your acquaintance, treat the other person warmly, be able to listen and understand him. Then you both will want to prolong communication and discuss many more interesting topics.
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