How to not be shy in communication and overcome fear?

How to not be shy in communication and overcome fear?

In everyone’s life there were times when our inner monster called “fear” prevented us from enjoying life and getting the most out of it. Very often this fear manifests itself precisely in communication with other people. So how can we overcome it and learn to communicate with others calmly?

Personal factors causing embarrassment.

First we need to look at what factors cause this shyness.

Low self-esteem. This includes: excessive criticism, focusing on shortcomings, constantly comparing oneself to others, expecting negative reactions from others, and so on.

Social anxiety. These are: fear of public speaking, communication with strangers, over-sensitivity to the opinion of others, fear of being judged and fear of not meeting expectations.

Past negative experiences. For example, negative experiences with people, judgment, ridicule, humiliation, unsuccessful attempts to start a conversation, speak in public, interact with people, various negative beliefs formed in childhood.

Lack of social experience. Inability to maintain a conversation, lack of practice in communication, fear of stepping out of comfort zone.

How do you reduce anxiety before a conversation?

Anxiety before talking to people is very disruptive to socializing, so it’s important to deal with it. Here are some effective ways to deal with it:

  • Preparing for the conversation. It is necessary to think in advance about what the conversation will be about, what questions you will ask the interlocutor, speak all your thoughts out loud, you can record on a tape recorder, imagine that you are already engaged in a dialog with a friend.

It is very important to have a positive attitude. Don’t imagine moments where you are embarrassed, uncomfortable, say something unnecessary, or can’t find something to continue the conversation. Focus on what you want to accomplish with this conversation, and this will help you be more confident. Most importantly, remember that everyone makes mistakes, you are just as human, and it is inherent to do things wrong sometimes. It’s completely normal.

  • You should always practice and try to overcome your anxiety. And can help with this, where you can just constantly socialize and find new friends.

How do positive phrases help set the mood?

Positive phrases direct attention to positive attitudes.

By constantly repeating such phrases, you gradually form new beliefs about yourself and your capabilities. They help you feel more confident and stronger, which reduces anxiety and increases motivation.

Tips for building self-esteem

Recognize your strengths. This will help you realize how valuable and capable you are.

  • Fully accept all your shortcomings. There is no such thing as a perfect person. Everyone has their flaws, it’s just that some people dwell on them and others accept themselves with them.
  • Remember that you are unique. Every person is unique in their own way. Everyone has their own traits and characteristics. There is no one else like you. So, value yourself and remember that.
  • Make enough time for yourself. Spend time doing things that are interesting, useful, enjoyable, and satisfying. Learn to listen to yourself and your feelings.

Raising your self-esteem is not a quick fix. It is a long process that requires a lot of time and work.

How do internal beliefs and positive thinking influence behavior?

Internal beliefs have a big impact on self-esteem. The more we believe in ourselves, the more confident we feel. Also, our beliefs strongly influence our relationships with other people. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to beliefs.

Positive thinking is a very motivating and powerful tool for achieving goals. And, as we said earlier, it also helps you deal with stress and anxiety.

How do recordings of successful conversations help develop confidence?

Listening to or watching a recording of a conversation can help you analyze specific points and identify what made it good, and figure out your shortcomings, which is also very important.

All of these tips can help you overcome your fears and start interacting with people with confidence. It is important to remember that you should not give up with small failures. With constant work on yourself, you will still achieve the desired result. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in your strength and never give up!

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