How to overcome challenges with shyness

How to overcome challenges with shyness

All people are shy to one degree or another. It may depend on the situation and environment. However, some people live with it calmly, not suffering from this trait in any way. But for others, shyness significantly complicates life and sometimes communication with other people.

What is shyness and how it manifests itself

Shyness is a problem that occurs in both adults and children. Its frequent manifestations can be called insecurity, as well as difficulties in communication, as well as the desire to avoid social activity and places of large crowds of people as much as possible. In fact, these situations are not uncommon, but many people do not even think that it is possible to cope with it in any way.

The following factors can cause this behavior:

  • Low self-esteem as well as fear of being judged by outsiders;
  • Negative memories from childhood;
  • Genetic predisposition passed on from relatives;

– A sad experience in adulthood;

Why shyness can interfere with personal development and a fulfilling life

Many people consider shyness to be a bad or neutral trait in a person’s character. After all, people who are shy have a rather narrow circle of communication, because making new acquaintances for them is a great stress. However, some people find it difficult to find a common language in real life, but at the same time they do not mind virtual communication at all. And all because there they feel more relaxed and free. A great option for finding new friends and conversations with unusual and interesting people could be Here any person is sure to find a companion of interest, and the conversation will be given easily, because in the online space shyness goes away.

Shyness sometimes plays a cruel joke with a person. After all, he is afraid to express his opinion in order not to attract undue attention to his person. And this means that he will silence his emotions on this or that issue, which undoubtedly hinders his development. It also harms self-realization, because in responsible situations a person is shy, behaves strangely and cannot concentrate. Such constant nervous tension can lead to emotional burnout or even depression.

How negative experiences and fear of judgment increase feelings of shyness

If once a person faced the fact that he experienced severe stress associated with communication with strangers or during a public speech, such a negative experience can leave an indelible imprint on the psyche of a person for life. In this case, before committing any action or deed, the hero will imagine how others will react to this situation. He constantly thinks that other people are bound to underestimate or negatively comment on his act. Therefore, he becomes afraid of being judged by others, and so their fear becomes only stronger by the minute.

Work on self-assessment and internal dialog

Fortunately, with a lot of desire, shyness can be dealt with by overcoming your fear. There are several options that can help in the desire to get rid of this character trait:

  • Attend trainings that teach daily communication as well as social skills;
  • Attending group sessions and individual therapy with a psychologist;

Specialists will help to work through many troubling issues from the past and present, to deal with self-esteem and learn how to raise it. Also, with the help of a doctor, you can establish a proper dialog with yourself. Such practices and work on self-esteem allows you to get rid of the obsessive feeling of shyness.

Using positive affirmations to build confidence

To believe in your own strength, you need to finally love yourself. It is important to praise yourself every day for various small things or completed tasks. If you treat yourself with respect, constantly set yourself up for positivity, then self-confidence will definitely grow, and thus shyness will become less frequent.

How to calm your nerves before important meetings

Before important events, all people experience excitement and sometimes even nervousness. And shy people are many times more difficult in such moments. However, to calm the nervous system, you can use a few lifehacks:

  • Breathing practices are great for calming down;
  • You can drink herbal tea, which is great for helping you relax and stop feeling shy;
  • Many doctors recommend taking magnesium to combat excessive anxiety;

Using positive memories to maintain calm

You can try to remember something very pleasant or funny. It can be a cute incident from childhood or a funny situation in the company of friends. The main thing is to tune in to the positive and then, positive emotions will definitely help to calm down. And then from your shyness will not remain a trace.

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