How to respond to aggression and rudeness

How to respond to aggression and rudeness

As we have all noticed: we communicate sometimes with other people and only pleasant emotions remain, but sometimes they can be rude too.

Insults can be heard anywhere: in queues, vehicles, public clinics, stores or restaurants. It is much worse when we have to constantly hear hurtful words in our address from close people: colleagues, bosses, acquaintances, relatives.

What is the reason people are rude?

Aggressors come in many different types.

  • Some, practically speaking, are not so guilty of their own rudeness. These can be unstable people who have a weak nervous system, who are strangers to not owning emotions. You just need to stay away from them.
  • The second category of rude people are those who have no sense of proportion and tact at all, due to lack of education. He probably did not mean to be rude to you, but he does not realize what he is doing.
  • Another category is rude manipulators. This is where people deliberately insult you to provoke conflict.
  • Another category of rude people is simple: this person doesn’t like you, and he or she deliberately hurts you, hurts you, hurts you. Find out why the person is rude.
  • Finally, there’s one category. Here with the help of rudeness the rude person asserts himself. He acts consciously and deliberately, thanks to it he becomes strong.

How to deal with an abuser – control yourself

To deal effectively with people’s aggression, it is important that you are aware of your emotional reactions and can manage them. You need to be careful not to reinforce an aggressive act by “mirroring” – identical aggressive behavior.

Not everyone who is rude needs to respond

The best way to deal with aggression is to ignore it. Remember that the main goal of the “rude person” is to lure you into his game, and he will get a negative reaction from you, so he will unleash his “poison” on you, and in addition, he will feed on his emotions.

Caught off guard by the reaction from you

Use the method of Faina Ranevskaya: “He is evil to you – and you give him a candy”, using politeness, flattery and compliments. In this way your offender is disarmed.

Be appropriate

Psychologists believe that aggression, including communicative aggression, is very common in modern Internet communities. So-called trolling is gaining momentum.

People can attack, defend themselves, and some may mistake even polite forms of address for subtle bullying. Therefore, a reliable constructive conversation sometimes requires a lot of effort. We start by agreeing with the interlocutor, not wanting to offend him or her, and only then presenting our own point of view.

Humor attack

When a person intends to have an aggressive conversation with you, he sighs deeply. An unusual act can make him laugh. True, this method requires ingenuity from the joker, and it is better to practice it on people who are not completely devoid of a sense of humor.

How to protect yourself from an aggressive attitude in online communication: how to avoid misunderstandings

Each of us communicates in different chat rooms. In a conversation, the same words of dialog participants can be perceived differently. Disagreements become the cause of arguments, attacks and defenses – often not without insults.

  1. Use emoticons. These icons are an opportunity to compensate for the lack of gesture at least partially in conversations, without which we cannot imagine a “live” conversation.
  2. A smiley face shows the emotional attitude of the person you are talking to, and signals how they have responded to your conversation.
  3. Avoid the dots. A dot in a chat room is a special punctuation mark. It “signals” that you are unfriendly, prone to irony, and keeping your distance. If, while chatting in a conversation, you put a dot, the conversation may stop.
  4. Ask tactfully. The question mark in a conversation has a peaceful attitude. It is the same as in electronic conversations or book texts. The question requires clarification, a desire for a recommendation, and therefore expresses trust.
  5. No need to raise your voice. A great way to show your own nervousness in a chat room and get an appropriate response is to “slap” a couple exclamation points into the chat room one after the other.

A “bouquet” of exclamation marks without any words is considered to be an emotional storm. And a phrase written in all capital letters is considered to be a scream, a riot, and even hysteria in the perception of hardened chat room residents.

  1. Learning to agree. To make the difference between impoliteness and politeness in a conversation noticeable, users of Internet spaces use 2 conciliatory symbols – “ok”. Such a message to any, even the most ardent phrase of a person, suits everyone, as it translates as “I heard you”.

On you will certainly be able to find pleasant interlocutors for socializing, and even friends.

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