How to respond to negative comments in communication

How to respond to negative comments in communication

Communicating on the Internet and social networks has become a part of our lives. In many ways, it is easier and more convenient to make acquaintances and communicate online than in real life, especially if a person is too busy at work or school. For all the convenience and mobility, social networking is not without its unpleasant moments, such as toxic comments and outright negativity.

Many people do not know how to react to negative comments in communication and what to do if the interlocutor violates personal boundaries and is openly rude. The most important thing at such moments is to abstract from emotions and rationally assess the situation.

Do not take comments personally

First of all, you should remember that everything that your interlocutor says and writes about you characterizes his personality, not yours. Insults and sarcastic comments are usually made by deeply unhappy and complex people who cannot realize themselves otherwise in life. If the interlocutor, for example, unflattering comments about your appearance or lifestyle, it means that he does not accept certain qualities and traits, first of all, in himself. This characterizes not you, but a person who lives in the power of complexes and transfers them to others.

It is worth noting that people on the Internet are more likely to leave negative comments than positive ones. Everyone has stressful situations and troubles in life, and some people prefer to get rid of negativity on the Internet, considering it a safer environment for themselves. It is not surprising, because negative words said to the face of the interlocutor in a face-to-face meeting often have to be held responsible, and the Internet creates the illusion of partial anonymity and invulnerability.

Behavioral strategies for dealing with negative comments

Everyone is different, and they may react differently to negativity in comments:

  • enter into a polemic with the hater, defend their position, put forward arguments, even despite the incorrect behavior and rudeness of the interlocutor;
  • resort to trolling and backstabbing, trying to taunt the hater and make him look funny in front of the audience;
  • react emotionally, express aggression, and begin to speak the language of the heater. Such a strategy is obviously a losing strategy, as the hater can reverse everything that was said and make the victim look like the aggressor;
  • ignore negative comments, leaving them without any attention;
  • block the hashtagger so they don’t engage with him;

The choice of behavioral strategy depends on a person’s character and his/her relationship, first of all, with himself/herself. People with low self-esteem may start arguing with an inadequate interlocutor and even believe what he or she says, engaging in self-digging. More conscious people perceive negativity online neutrally and are able to filter out unpleasant interlocutors and statements online.

How to neutralize negativity in online communication

There are several ways to neutralize negativity online and not take it too painfully:

  • understand whether the person criticizing you is an expert in the area in which he or she is criticizing you. If the person is not an expert in that area and is just venting his or her negativity, his or her statements should definitely not be taken seriously;
  • respond calmly and politely without trying to change your mind. A polite tone may confuse the aggressor and he may change his mind about provoking you further without getting an emotional response;
  • you can ignore a comment if it has no meaning and simply expresses the interlocutor’s desire to dump negativity. By engaging in an altercation, you give away your energy, and the hater, like an energy vampire, gets pleasure;
  • never make excuses. This applies to your personal qualities, relationships in the family, work, creativity. If the interlocutor tries to induce you to do so, the option is to either ignore or politely reply without descending to excuses;

Who is most susceptible to negative comments online

Everyone can write nasty things on the internet, regardless of age, appearance type, occupation or marital status. If you share your creative content online, also be prepared for hater comments. This is natural, as toxins and envious people are present in everyone’s life, and it’s no reason to give up on your projects and ideas. As American writer and philosopher Elbert Greene Hubbard said, “If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.”

What to do if negative comments cause unpleasant emotions

If you feel resentment, anger and other unpleasant feelings from your interlocutor’s statements online, do not deceive yourself and accept your emotions. Then it is worth analyzing what exactly hurt you, what words became a trigger. This will help you identify your internal problems and work through them with a psychologist.

Where you can communicate with adequate interlocutors

If you are looking for friendly, adequate friends and don’t want to waste your time and energy on toxic comments, offers you to chat with different people and find your soul mates.

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