Self-presentation: how to present yourself in the best possible way

Self-presentation: how to present yourself in the best possible way

To be beautiful, interesting and bright interlocutor is a dream of so many people. But why can some people easily present themselves beautifully, while others cannot? What is it, natural talent, special knowledge or something else? Here’s how to easily master a few self-presentation skills.

By the way, you can also train your social skills on the Internet, for example on you can find friends and communicate with different people.

Start with your appearance

In any company you meet by your clothes and make an opinion about a person too. Therefore, the first thing you should think about is the appropriateness of your appearance in the team. You should not dress too provocatively for an exam or come in sports clothes to lectures. Every team has its own unwritten rules, which are important to observe in order to make an impression.

If your clothes are appropriate, you will be adequately perceived in any company. This already adds to your self-confidence, helping you to make an impression.

Dealing with the causes of insecurity

Self-confidence cannot be created artificially. If a person doubts something, there are reasons for it. Answers to the following questions will help to dispel doubts:

  • What happens if the worst of my assumptions come true?
  • What am I really most afraid of?
  • How will my friends treat me if I voice my opinion in their circle?
  • Won’t my friends (boyfriend, girlfriend) stop talking to me?
  • Who will laugh at me and why?

Often such fears indicate low self-esteem. Usually, it is formed by parents and a person’s environment. Often it corresponds to the opinion of a person, but not to the real evaluation of his statements and actions. Therefore, in order to gain self-confidence, it is important to simply say to yourself: “the opinion of a single person does not affect anything”. This statement helps a person to feel more confident.

But there are several objective reasons for insecurity that are not related to the opinion of other people. It is worth talking about them in more detail.

Poor preparation

Often the reason for uncertainty is poor preparation, gaps in knowledge of what you are going to talk about. This is why students often shake before exams, even if they have read a lot. Good preparation, filling gaps in knowledge and a little rehearsal will help to overcome the fear.

It’s easy to do. You need a pen and a piece of paper. Write down the questions you are most afraid of. After you have written them down, try to think of answers to them that seem worthy and interesting to you.

Filling in gaps in your knowledge will help you avoid unpleasant situations, and thoughtful responses to tricky questions will help you become more confident before public speaking, taking exams, or simply expressing your opinion in a group of people.

How to prepare for a date

Sometimes insecurity manifests itself not in an exam, but in ordinary life. Often guys are timid in front of pretty girls, and girls are afraid of appearing too frivolous to guys. How to become more confident on a date? Here are some tips.

  • Choose what you find comfortable and beautiful. Getting into someone else’s role on a date will be seen as insincerity and falseness.
  • Avoid overdoing it with makeup. Otherwise, on a second date you may not be recognized or may form a negative opinion.
  • Keep a friendly and casual demeanor.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions and clarify information about the person you are talking to.
  • Avoid rudeness, obscene words, aggressiveness.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no if you don’t like something or find it unacceptable.
  • If you refuse further meetings and dates, don’t be afraid to talk about it openly, but avoid superiority and attempts to humiliate your partner.

The most important thing on a date is to stay friendly and not be afraid of provocative questions. You can even answer a question with a question or show bewilderment, disappointment and other emotions. The interlocutor in this situation will understand the inappropriateness of his actions, so will not do what you will not like.

How to become more confident in ordinary life and present yourself beautifully

Self-presentation skill helps a person to come out of any situation easily and feel free and happy. For this purpose, it is important to:

  • Expand your knowledge;
  • Know when your rights are being violated and calmly stand up for yourself in a contentious or difficult situation;
  • To be strong and brave;
  • Not being afraid to say or do the wrong thing, to make a mistake, to misbehave;
  • Dress as you see fit but follow the rules, so you don’t become a white crow.

Confidence comes with knowledge, experience and communication skills. Practice them and become stronger in any situation.

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