What is an understanding of emotion?

Understanding of emotion

Emotion is a reflection in the psyche of the attitude to a real situation or an anticipated event. The feeling is felt by the person himself and affects the state of his nervous system. Often the emotion is noticeable to others by behavior, gestures and facial expressions.

The importance of understanding emotions in everyday life and interpersonal relationships

Correctly interpreting other people’s emotions helps you recognize the true thoughts of the people around you. The ability to read other people’s feelings enables you to behave in a way that gets the best results from communication.

On weekdays, observing colleagues and superiors will allow you to analyze the situation at work. There is a possibility that observing etiquette and professional communication conceals unpleasant relationships. Understanding suppressed emotions gives you a chance to change your behavior to advance in your career.

Personal life works out well for those who better understand their partner’s emotions. At the beginning of the relationship, this will avoid abusers. It will also be possible to notice when interest in each other begins to fade and try to fix it.

The difference between sympathy and empathy

There are some people who are good at recognizing other people’s emotions. They are called empaths. Accordingly, empathy is the ability to sympathize and empathize. It should not be confused with the word “sympathy”, which means benevolence and disposition.

Empathy is inherent in all mentally healthy individuals to a lesser or greater degree. It is what prevents people from shamelessly abusing defenseless creatures. If a person lacks empathy from birth, he or she is at risk of becoming a tyrant and/or a maniac.

Body language: gestures, postures

Emotions influence the posture a person adopts and the way he holds his arms and legs. He unconsciously sends signals about his real feelings.

Facial expressions and facial expressions

Facial expressions involuntarily reflect emotions. This is characteristic even of animals. It is necessary to try to consciously influence the expression of your face.

Tone of voice and intonation

When talking on the phone, people cannot see each other, but they can convey their moods by their intonation and volume of speech. In real conversations, it is also important to listen to people’s voices, especially if their faces remain neutral and their body language is silent.

Word choice and communication style

People usually choose their communication style based on how they categorize their interlocutors. When they believe that someone higher in status is in front of them, they speak in formal literary language, and with equals or subordinates they allow themselves to be relaxed. But some emotions, most often negative, difficult to control people. Despite the effort to hold back, the vocabulary will be related to the feelings experienced.

Situation and environment

Empathy helps you make good decisions. When meeting strangers, it can be difficult to predict their actions. There is a risk that the person is mentally ill and is not responsible for his/her actions. In this case, constructive dialog is impossible. Understanding other people’s emotions allows you to avoid unpleasant situations.

Cultural and social aspects

People around you were brought up in families with their own traditions, where expressing emotions may not have been the same as yours. Misinterpretation of your interlocutor’s feelings can turn into a mishap. It will be especially unpleasant to face this in communication with foreigners. Knowledge of the basic language of gestures and facial expressions helps to recognize people’s moods, regardless of the environment in which they were brought up and live.

Improving family relationships through understanding emotions

In marriage, husband and wife ideally should openly share their experiences with each other. Sometimes, due to temperament or wrong upbringing, one of the spouses can long restrain their feelings, and after overflowing the cup of patience, the family is on the verge of divorce. This happens when initially in childhood was not accepted to express emotions in words. In adulthood it is very important to be able to express feelings and words of love through conversation.

Understanding emotions is useful for good parenting. What seems like a child’s whim or teenage rebellion can turn out to be a serious problem. In order to recognize and overcome difficulties in time, you need to communicate with your child in confidence and be aware of his or her real feelings.

Improving the quality of communication with friends and acquaintances

By recognizing body language signals and facial expressions, you can tell if the person you are talking to is lying. It is easy to know if he or she really likes you or is just pretending for personal gain.

When communicating with family and longtime friends, one knows from experience when a loved one is not telling us something or is deliberately lying. Over a long period of time, we unwittingly study the habits of our acquaintances and can already accurately identify the signs of irritation, joy or lies.

To practice understanding emotions, it is better to communicate with new acquaintances. You can look at a stranger with an unwashed eye. To find friends from all over the world, https://wedaf.com/ with real users is ideal.


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