Why is it important to clarify and interrogate?

Why is it important to clarify and interrogate?

While everyone may feel comfortable enough to be alone with themselves, we all need companionship.

And this is where the most interesting thing starts, because the main task is how to maintain communication, how to build the right dialog.

Dialogue building

It happens that communication in life and on the Internet is quite easy, for example, on wedaf.com you can communicate with different people, as well as find friends close in spirit.

At first, the conversation can go quite casually. And here it is important to keep this comfort in the dialog.

How do you do that?

  • respectfully address the person you are talking to;
  • not to allow a form of communication that is not acceptable to the other person ;
  • don’t be rude;
  • listen and hear;
  • not to violate personal boundaries;
  • to clarify and interrogate ;
  • to end the conversation in time (not to be annoying).

Why is it important to interject when clarifying?

We all have our own picture of the world and a certain prism of perception of everything. Including other people’s words.

We tend to react to specific words and phrases in very different ways. As a rule, it is connected with our life experience, psychological traumas of childhood, some specific situations from the past. To exclude misunderstanding it is important to try to communicate in the language of the interlocutor – intuitively read his manner of communication, the format of dialog, topics of interest to him. Excluding sharp points.

If you disagree with some aspect or topic, clarify whether you have understood correctly. If suddenly you do not agree with the other person’s opinion, carefully and ecologically express your own or slightly direct the flow of the conversation towards the discussion of other points. After all, misunderstandings can lead to a worsening of the relationship with each other. To avoid this, do not hesitate to ask leading questions.

When clarifying some points, it is better to keep a friendly tone, without humiliating or suppressing the personality of the other person. It is not allowed to insult the feelings, appearance and opinion of the interlocutor.

It is important, in case of a dispute, to convey your point of view without offending anyone. After all, relationships and communication – a very delicate matter, which can destroy even accidentally misunderstood word or phrase. Therefore, it is recommended to weave the fabric of the conversation, relying on the answers of the person, and subtly feeling the flow of the conversation.

Getting in tune with your interlocutor is a skill that is learned gradually, but will stay with you forever. You can become a virtuoso master of conversation, because a person who communicates beautifully and politely, you want to listen for hours.

Let’s consider more mandatory aspects of successful dialog, which can be useful in clarifying the details of the conversation.

Respectful communication

The communication style of two people, as a rule, is formed from the very beginning of getting to know each other – a certain tone of the flow of conversations appears.

Gradually, common jokes are woven in. Thus, as they get to know each other, they become an indicator of even greater emotional closeness and trust. Jokes should be understandable to both and should not offend, not poke fun, not cause negative emotions. Remember what your new acquaintance likes to talk about and ask questions related to it from time to time.

Hearing each other

Having formed a certain format of communication from the very beginning, in the future it becomes a certain marker of relations with a particular interlocutor. Here, the ability to hear the other becomes an important point. This is also a very important communication skill.

  • It’s time to keep silent, letting the person speak their mind fully
  • Not interrupting, trying not to forget what you want to say right now
  • Understand the meanings that are being conveyed to you.

Careful of each other’s boundaries.

In the process of conversation, you may accidentally notice that the mood of your acquaintance has changed sharply in a negative direction. This may be a consequence of the fact that you have touched on an area that is unpleasant for him or her. Try to abruptly change the topic and tone of the dialog. If the interlocutor will cheer up and the conversation will again go in a constructive direction, you can safely continue the conversation. If the conversation continues in a negative way, it is worthwhile to end the conversation carefully for a while.

By following all these simple tips and tricks, you will learn to communicate with people kindly and easily, regardless of their age and status. Interlocutors will feel comfortable around and want to maintain communication. In the future, such cozy conversations can become the basis of a strong reliable friendship, partner business ties, harmonious relationship with a loved one.

The skill will come in handy not only with family and friends, but also at work and in society at large.

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